The Hard Data at Anime Los Angeles

The HARD DATA @ Animé Los Angeles

Animé and the harder styles of dance music have gone hand in hand together since day 1 of the rave scene. Back in the early days you would see plenty of rave flyers inspired by Ghost in the Shell, Robotech, and especially Akira. Akira, in particular, would often be sampled in early rave records. Animé and the harder styles have been a tradition since then, and The HARD DATA is honored to carry on a small part of that tradition by attending the Animé Los Angeles Convention happening right now at the Ontario Convention Center. From January 29-January 31 from 9am – 9pm (9am-2pm Sunday).

Get your Animé fix and make sure to pop over to our pal’s booth, Toy Mandala, if you want to stock up on your gear. We left off a limited copies of The HARD DATA issues 1-3 if you have any holes in your collection, and we are fully stocked on issue 4. So pick up your copy of THD at Animé Los Angeles this weekend.

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