Tymon - Ritual Distortions - Track Review - Industrial Strength Records - by DJ Daybreaker

Tymon – Rituals of Distortion: Chapter 1 – Track Review

Released last month as the 100th release for New York based hardcore record label Industrial Strength Records, industrial demon Tymon has put out what I consider so far as THE best hardcore release of 2016. Slow, eerie, crunchy, everything that the Aussie has become famous for is featured in this three-track release. ‘Crunch Time’ is the top track (you’ll notice right away), but both ‘Fade to Black’ and ‘Instakill’, which both feature a slower kick and a simpler sound design, are still produced and mastered with the upmost quality! And the fact that this is released as a “chapter 1”, I certainly hope this means that another release from this man is coming up in the near future, perhaps just as astounding.


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