Innominate - Execution. Out now on The Third Movement: Heresy. Banner taken from Heresy Facebook page.

Innominate – Execution – Release Review

Innominate is a duo formed by Belgium hero Igneon System and Polish madman I:Gor. These two have been pumping out releases left and right this year and only a few weeks after “Built to Hurt (out on PRSPCT Recordings)”, they have two more tracks for us already! Out on Igneon System’s sublabel for The Third Movement, Heresy, A-side is ‘Execute’ featuring Sei2ure. Running at 175 bpm, Sei2ure has most of the sound design with his signature kick drum and noise-based leads. B-side, my favorite of the two, “Let the Blood Spill” is headed by Tugie. Sitting at a comfortable 196 bpm, it’s the kind of up-tempo Crossbreed track that I’m known for closing my sets with, and who knows, you might get to hear this one out very soon!



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