Tim Shopp, Middletown, New Jersey, playing at Gabberfest 2016, EDC Weekend, June 18th-19th, Las Vegas Nevada!

Tim Shopp Interview: Gabberfest 2016

Here we go guys! The countdown to Gabberfest 2016 (June 18th-19th, EDC Weekend) has officially commenced! Hardcore delegates from all over the country will converge on the Hard Hat Lounge in Las Vegas, Nevada to witness the grand spectral display of the American hard dance scene and the Hard Data will be bringing you face to face with the artists chosen to represent their home state(s) because you “can’t know your friends from your enemies until the ice breaks”!

Tim Shopp, Middletown, New Jersey, will be playing at Gabberfest 2016, EDC Weekend, June 18th-19th, Las Vegas Nevada!
Tim Shopp, representing New Jersey at Gabberfest 2016!

First up, is 21 year old uptempo hardcore producer TIM SHOPP from Middletown, New Jersey.

How did you decide on your stage name?

When I first began I honestly had no idea what I was going to do for a name; the usual thing was to use some type of cool word or make something up, but I didn’t want that. I always wanted to be known for me, so I then decided (after a couple goofy names) that I was just going to be me (Tim Shopp)!

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How did you start producing/DJ’ing?

When I was little for Christmas one year I actually got a cool little toy that you could hook your iPod to and scratch songs you played. Then eventually I turned to computer software, and continued the “upgrading” to where I am now. The learning is still not over, because recently I’ve decided CDJs can only allow so much so I’m actually learning “live performance” so I can do that in the future! As for producing: there was a point where I knew playing other people’s music was fun, but I knew I wanted to play MY own music. So I eventually picked up Ableton, and with some devoted time and effort, here I am!

How did you get interested in the harder styles?

It all started with listening to happy hardcore actually! My first obsession was DJ S3RL and from there I just kept digging deeper and deeper into the music until I found my true love for “Uptempo” hardcore and terror! Of course there is always my other obsession as well known as speedcore/extratone.

What changes have you noticed in your local rave/hard dance scene since you started?

Well as for my home state (New Jersey) we truly don’t have any music scene left from what I see. My second home (New York City) will always have my heart, but recently not much has been going on. We went from constant shows every weekend to hardly ever anything going on. When we do have shows, the crowds are always promising and dedicated so the wait is well worth it. No place like home!

What do you think about the current state of harder styles in America?

My bias opinion: Needs more hardcore! (laughs) As for the scene itself: it is truly amazing to see it evolving more and over the last couple of years! One thing I do have to say is I’ve noticed less support for the locals and more focus mainly on what European act is coming. A good headliner is always promising don’t get me wrong, but I believe that if we want to evolve the scene to what we all want, we need more support for the locals who have the ability to lead the next level of everything! I feel as if we just expect to get our own Defqon, Qlimax, MOH etc., but most won’t even go out on the weekend to see a show unless there’s some huge European name on the lineup. I just want to see more people invested because of the music, not just because there’s a Dutch act in town.

Tim Shopp, Middletown, New Jersey, playing at Gabberfest 2016, EDC Weekend, June 18th-19th, Las Vegas Nevada!
Tim Shopp artist logo.

What are you trying to convey through your music? Are there any themes or ideas that are important to you? Is there anything in particular you find yourself wanting to communicate to the audience?

Chaos. Chaos, chaos and more chaos! Being a metal head and beat down fan, I try to bring those elements into my sets and music. There’s something about chaos and insanity I find very interesting.

Do you have anything special planned for the event (b2b set, all vinyl, live PA, guest performers/dancers etc)? Original productions?

Well me and the Gabberfest crew have been waiting for this day to come! I always said I would do something special my first time, and sure enough Gabberfest will have the first world premiere of “Extreme Team!” that I can guarantee will blow minds. For my solo set of course plenty of new music from me! B2b sets, well anything can happen at Gabberfest…

Is there anything you want to say that we haven’t asked you about yet? Do you have any upcoming projects or tours to promote, or anything special or shout outs you want to say?

2016 has already been a huge for me. So first and foremost I just have to thank everyone who’s been behind me since the start and especially recently! I will be playing all over the USA this summer on my mini tour, and I even have a show in The Netherlands! On top of all that, huge collaborations with some major artists as well. I will let that be a surprise for you all!

Be sure to follow TIM SHOPP on his social media and be up front and center to catch his solo set along with the debut of “Extreme Team!” in six weeks time at GABBERFEST 2016!

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