Coming to you directly from the techno hardcore land, The Netherlands, Danny Masseling, known as Angerfist, is a DJ and producer of hardcore techno and gabber. Known for his unique performing style – hooded sweater and infamous Jason mask – and his eclectic beats, he is, for a number of hardcore fans, the most influent hardcore producer on the international scene. And a reputation like this doesn’t get built overnight.
Starting with an E.P. in 2002 on the label Overload Records, Angerfist quickly took the hardcore scene by storm, not only thanks to his numerous hit records such as the very popular Criminally Insane and Fuck Off, but also to the quality of his sets and his incredible presence and charisma on stage. Add that to the dramatic side of his live shows, and you have got a hardcore champion!
In 2006, MC Prozac joins his friend Danny Masseling in this adventure, and Angerfirst turns into a live act that soon becomes one of the biggest players in the gabber and hardcore techno international scene.
Here’s a list of Angerfist’s 5 best tracks:
- Criminally Insane:
The unique beat of this track makes it easy to understand why it is one of Angerfist’s most popular ones. It’s got the darkness, it’s got the hardcore, and it’s got a little eclectic side to it. It’s everything a fan of hardcore loves and more.
- Chronic Disorder:
Angerfist probably has the most disturbing song titles in the hardcore world, and that is what makes him so popular. Even with this kind of titles, you can’t help but dance to the beat, because it is that catchy. Chronic Disorder is a perfect example of that.
- Fuck Off:
Every rebel would love this track! The beats would make any former party animal nostalgic about their youth’s raves.
- Chaos and Evil:
With beats and sounds a little more on the techno side, this track shows Angerfist’s genius in all its glory. Indeed, he can move from soft to hardcore in a few seconds without it feeling hectic or heavy on the ears. On the contrary, it goes as smoothly as possible.
- Raise Your Fist:
A call for revolution, a call for glory! This is basically what Raise Your Fist is. If the French Revolution had happened in the 21st century, this would be the rebels’ official anthem.
They say that the perfect words to describe Angerfist are “retaliate and devastate!”, and they couldn’t be more right. His beats wake up the rebel in you and open your eyes to the endless possibilities music and art have to offer.
He is now one of the most respected hardcore producers in the world, and some might even consider him a genius. They wouldn’t be wrong, because a musical genius is someone who awakes emotions and feelings in you through their art, and that is exactly what Angerfist succeeded to do.
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