5 Awesome DELETE tracks!

5 Devastating DELETE Tracks!

Ryan Biggs is a name few would recognize, and for a reason! Most know him as Delete, one of the biggest raw hardstyle artists out right now. DJ and producer, this Aussie has been involved in the rawstyle scene since its inception in the early 2000s. His unique signature, original sounds and inventive take on raw hardstyle has made Delete one of the biggest names in the industry!

Starting as an underground artist that flew under the radar for most of his career, he is now building a name for himself as one of the forces to reckon with. It’s in 2013, after moving to The Netherlands that he seriously gets hurled in the raw hardstyle industry. He releases three winner tracks: Ghetto, Dismissed and Level and rapidly gains an important fan-base, not only in The Netherlands, but in all Europe.

His popularity is mostly due to his critically-acclaimed rough and grinding beats that changed from the more conventional sounds of raw hardstyle and proved good enough to secure him a spot in the elite.

Without further ado, let’s discover 5 devastating Delete tracks. We promise you won’t be disappointed!

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  1. The World Is Yours:

If this track doesn’t inspire you to pursue your dreams, we don’t know what would. As soon as it starts, you heard the words “You could do anything. The world is yours!” But what’s more mesmerizing here is the melody, at the same time soft and raw. You’ll start dancing to this without even feeling it, like it just happened to us!

  1. Dismissed Again:

This track has the signature move of Delete all over it. It doesn’t disappoint, and you know that once you hear it, the party will be on fire! Just imagine this being played live and start saving for Delete’s next show!

  1. Funk:

The funk is alive and well! This track is true to its name and will make you dance like a madman (which isn’t bad at all, we encourage that!)

  1. Just Do It:

Yes, this is definitely Shia LaBoeuf’s voice in this track. So, as he said, don’t let your dreams be dreams, just do it! DANCE!

  1. Fatal:

This collaboration between Delete and Deetox truly is a killer (fatal, killer, see what we did here? Yeah, we like making puns too). Starting strong from the beginning, it just gets harder and faster as it goes. You can understand the true meaning of raw hardstyle after listening to this track.

Located now in The Netherlands, Delete is making a name for himself on the European rawstyle scene. His raw, unique sounds seduced more than one raw hardstyle fan, and since he moved to the country of raves and hardstyle, he has been busy with gigs every other day of the week.

For more info about Delete, check out his Facebook page:


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