5 Killer Unexist Tracks

UNEXIST: 5 Killer Tracks RANKED!

If I said “Fransesco Lapicca”, would you recognize the man? Most of you wouldn’t, since you probably know him as Unexist or Jappo. This Italian artist, known as “The most terrifying Italian killer” (a metaphor, of course), is a DJ and producer of hardcore techno music and gabber. In 1995, he released his first track, and from then on, he has been performing in big clubs, private parties and festivals, not only in his home country, Italy, but all over the world. After moving to New York for a year, Unexist discovered that he had a talent for scratching and became one of the hardcore scene’s best.

Fransesco has often talked about the anger and rage inside him, and how producing hardcore techno music was the only way to release all of these feelings. In one of his interviews, he stated “Music has always been an output to me. So I can unleash my anger through my music.” As a Heavy Metal lover, hard music has always been his favorite genre.

Now, let’s discover together Unexist’s 5 most popular tracks. Get ready to be slayed by real hardcore music!

  1. Fuck The System:

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As we said, Unexist’s music is anything but soft, and this track is the perfect proof. We can feel the artist’s rage in those beats, which are at the same time very techno and extremely heavy metal-y. We can definitely imagine metal heads listening to this and enjoying it!

  1. Questa È Hardcore :

This one is a little less hardcore than the first track, but it is just as good. More techno than heavy, it makes you long for your clubbing nights when you’re spending a calm one at home (if by calm you mean chilling in your pajamas with a pack of beer and Unexist’s music blasting from your laptop).

  1. Burn It All Down:

The title says it all, no need for more description. Just do it, and burn it all down! If you’re wearing glasses, be careful, you’ll have to take them off before listening to this track because you will head bang like crazy!

  1. Rockus:

Rage, anger and even more rage. This track is sick and you will find yourself dancing to it without realizing it.

  1. Anarchy in the UK:

Yes, this is The Sex Pistols song, but with the unique Unexist sauce added to it, which makes it one hundred times better (no offense to the fans of The Sex Pistols or punk music). A little bit of punk rock mixed with industrial hardcore never hurt anyone.

Unexist, as a big fan of Slipknot and metal music, is now collaborating with various metal artists on a new project called “Fail 2 Comply”. His newest album is also fully covering the spectrums of the hardcore genre, from fast and heavy tones to more soft and melodic ones. Fransesco says that this is “hardcore seen through Unexist’s eyes”.

Discover more about Unexist by visiting his Facebook page:


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