RANKED! 5 Sociopathic WARFACE Tracks!

WARFACE: 5 Raging Tracks RANKED!

Born and raised in The Netherlands, Youri Claessens AKA Warface is a raw hardstyle DJ and producer. In just a few years, his popularity has grown and he became one of the biggest names the industry has seen.

He started his journey in 2010, hosting small parties with his friends in his hometown, simply for the love of music. It wasn’t until he met the hardcore artist Triax (Remco-Jan Prevoo) that he started to think more about making a career out of his passion for producing raw hardstyle. So when Triax asked him to collaborate on a new project named Warface, he said yes without giving it a second thought.

From a DJ on a small scale, Youri turned into a famous and well-respected rawstyle producer who garnered a big fan-base that went totally crazy over his music and his unique live-acts. Indeed, his presence on-scene is phenomenal. Always clad in a mask and suit, magnetic and charismatic, Youri knows how to turn a normal live show into a raging party. His style is aggressive, bold and pleases the crowd. His unique style is also an element we can’t ignore, and some of his latest tracks and collaborations quickly climbed the charts of hardstyle.com, which says a lot about Warface’s popularity, especially that he’s still considered a “rising” artist.

Warface’s production and DJ sets are different from what rawstyle fans usually hear, which contributed to his popularity and turned him into an “all weekends are booked” producer.

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So, without further ado, here are Warface’s 5 most popular tracks. Enjoy them!

  1. The Danger Zone:

What to start with… if not a collaboration with the mighty Luna? The “operatic” sends you directly in the mood of what becomes a dark and intense track. It starts slow but quickly turns into that sick beat that’s Warzone’s signature. If you close your eyes while listening to this, you’ll feel the rave surrounding you.

  1. Throwback:

This collaboration between Warface and Crypsis is worth the detour. Hard and fast, you can recognize both producers’ signature in it. You can feel the rhythm in your bones, urging you to ignite the dance floor on fire.

  1. Warzone:

All of Warface’s tracks have a reference to the battlefield, which is understandable. But you don’t have as much fun in a battlefield than in a rave –unless you’re a sociopath –  and that’s where Warface truly shines!

  1. Wakin’ Up:

This track is another masterpiece collaboration that has an extremely hip-hop vibe to it in the beginning, but soon switches to the rawstyle that Warface is famous for. The beat is sick and will make you dance as if no one is watching.

  1. The Truth:

This track is truly on fire, and that’s normal, since it’s a flaming collab’ between Warface and Delete. As they say, “Get up!” and dance, because the present is all you’ve got.

Warface is now one of the most energetic, eclectic and appreciated name in the rawcore scene. His original live sets and fiery albums turned him into an important name in the industry and he’s now booking shows all over the world.

For more info about Warface, check out his Facebook page:



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