RANKED! The Best 5 Partyraiser Tracks EVER!

Partyraiser: The Best 5 Tracks RANKED!

Partyraiser is definitely one of the oldest players in the hardcore scene. In 1995, Wesley van Swol, who would soon be known under the stage name Partyraiser, started DJ-ing in parties in his hometown, encouraged by his family and one of his best friends, who helped him learn the initial tricks of working the turntables. Even back then, Wesley van Swol impressed others by his skills. It’s in one of those numerous parties that Partyraiser met Bart Revier AKA Distroyer. They produced their first tracks together and went on playing in small events together.

Luckily enough, the pair ended up meeting Dutch Gabber Network Records’ Vincent Heijnen in one of their many parties, and he was very interested in their music. This impromptu meeting resulted in a vinyl called “A New World Order” that has been critically-acclaimed by none other than Lady Dana and DJ Paul.

Soon after, Wesley van Swol and Bart Revier split up, each starting his own solo career. And it’s not until 2001 that Partyraiser truly finds his voice, creating his own concept called “Doomsday”. This step is what really brought him out to the hardcore world. He started working outside of his province and gaining recognition outside of The Netherlands.

After his breakthrough, everything changed for Partyraiser. He became a phenomenon that every hardcore fan talked about. Partyraiser describes his style as “hardest hardcore”, the fruit of many influences ranging from house to terrorcore and even old rock, as one of his favorite artists is Elvis Presley.

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So, in the light of all this, let’s discover together Partyraiser’s 5 best tracks.

  1. Sound Becomes One:

No needs to wait for the beat to go from slow to quick with this one. It starts off hard and softens in the middle, which brings a very welcome change. Truly listen to this song, and you will find yourself flying. Aaaaand, in the third minute, the track returns to that crazy quick vibe it had in the beginning, which might confuse some people who aren’t used to Partyraiser’s very eclectic style.

  1. Time To Raise The Party:

This is definitely the party track. Just imagine yourself in a rave, somewhere in Amsterdam, drink in hand and neon lights surrounding you, just feeling the music in your bones and being part of a crowd that moves like a monster with one thousand heads. So, listen to the man and raise that party!

  1. Our Power:

This is a truly powerful track, and not just because of its name. The sounds are hard, dark and more on the terrorcore side.

  1. From The Westcoast:

With some rap in the middle and a quick beat, this is the perfect west coast sound. Just forget yourself for a few minutes and feel the music, you’ll find yourself dancing without realizing it!

  1. Like An Animal:

Wow, this starts strong! This track doesn’t give you time to acclimate to the music, you just head bang like crazy from the beginning, because there’s no other alternative!

Partyraiser is an artist who knows how to use all of his imagination and inventiveness to create music that transcends space and time. His way of looking at the hardcore style is open minded and original, which explains the use of many musical styles in the same track. It’s pleasing to the ears, as his ever growing fan-base proves.

To know more about Partyraiser, check out his Facebook page:


Or… go to his upcoming show Dec. 3, 2016 in Los Angeles, WINTERFRESH MUSIC FESTIVAL!

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