Interview with DJ Nightstalker!

This interview was conducted by 3MiloE, in DJ Nightstalker’s trailer, at Insomniac Events’, Escape: Psycho Circus.

3MiloE:           Well, my name is Milo.

DJ Nightstalker:          Nice to meet you, Milo.

3MiloE:           I’m representing the Hard Data Magazine today.

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DJ Nightstalker:                   Nice.

3MiloE:           And I just wanted to ask you some questions.

DJ Nightstalker :         Sure.

3MiloE:           So where are you from?

Nightstalker :              I grew up in Colorado, but came out to L.A. years and year ago, so it’s got to be like 20 years by now, yeah.

Milo:               20 years?

DJ Nightstalker :         Yeah, yeah.

3MiloE:           What was the music scene like?

DJ Nightstalker :         It was just starting at that time. It was sort of warehouse raves, backyard party. It was kind of emerging out of the party vibe, like backyard party, ditch party, underground, like you break into a warehouse, into legit parties, and stuff like that, too. So it was pretty cool.

3MiloE:           Awesome. So how did you come up with your D.J. name?

DJ Nightstalker :         D.J. name? I think I was probably like thinking of … It was the ’90s, German base, and general, and the hardcore was dark, and I was skinnier (laughs) at that time. So I probably looked a little more like Richard Ramirez . But it had a good vibe like L.A. style, where we were kind of creeping around at night, kind of like breaking in and playing music and renegade parties and stuff like that. Did a lot of desert renegade parties and other cool stuff.

3MiloE:           That’s awesome.

DJ Nightstalker :         Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was kind of weird, acid, mushroom kind of vibe, you know what I mean?

3MiloE:           Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I have the L.A. Underground scene, so I there’s a lot of that. Okay. What animal best personifies your music?

DJ Nightstalker :         Personifies the music? It would probably be well, some kind of mythic creature probably, like a phoenix or something. I don’t know. Like the claw, I get known for the claw, so something that kind of rises out of the ashes, and then just like bites you, kind of after you’ve been in the trance. So that or maybe some kind of snake or something, who knows?

3MiloE:           That’d be cool.

DJ Nightstalker :         Yeah, yeah.

3MiloE:           Awesome, awesome. What are you trying to convey with your music?

DJ Nightstalker :         Really, for me it’s the whole idea of taking people on a journey is a cliché and stuff, but for me it really is … it comes from a spiritual place, so this is where we build community, through music. It’s also a space where we come together, and I kind of want to push the boundaries a little bit, so people almost feel like they’re in a dream and then they break out of that dream. You know what I mean? Instead of just like kind of hitting them hard the whole time, it’s like kind of building them to that sort of breaking point. That’s what I’m doing, yeah.

3MiloE:           Can you describe the feeling you get when you’re on stage?

DJ Nightstalker :         Before you’re on, you’re always like … it’s anxious or, What’s going to happen? Do I have everything? I can’t quite see past maybe the first few tunes or something like that, but then when you’re in it, it’s like you’re just sort of lost almost, like sort of merge with the crowd. And then you get spit out the other side, and you’re like, “Oh, shit. I don’t even really kind of remember what just happened.” It’s kind of weird. I wish I could be more present, but it’s like I’m just so caught up in the music and stuff that yeah, it just kind of flies by like a blur, but it’s almost like an out-of-body experience or something.

3MiloE:           Yeah. Trippy.

DJ Nightstalker :         Yeah, yeah.

3MiloE:           Okay. What moment do you cherish most of all in your career so far?

DJ Nightstalker :         So far? There’s been a lot. I have really sort of pivotal moments more recently, doing a lot of EDCs and the big festivals and stuff, but I would say it being way back to when I was still spinning vinyl, when there was still a vinyl scene, and I got asked to support Goldie in Japan. So I went to Japan, and did like three dates in Japan, two dates with him. But yeah, it was just like all music, and taking me to these crazy places, see different people, different cultures, and like, “It’s 4 a.m., and these people are still here just for me,” kind of thing. It was pretty trippy. It was part of a moment that I still cherish.

3MiloE:           Awesome. What are your major influences?

DJ Nightstalker :         Influences would be … early, classic-era drum and base, like folk-tech, maybe any sort of even like left-field, Electronica, hardcore. I was really heavy into hardcore coming up. But also, I used to go to after-hours, when I didn’t even know genres and it’d be like house music and I was just like, “I don’t know what the hell this is,” but I’m just like lost in the beats all night until the sun comes up kind of thing. But I grew up, my dad had a huge record collection that I’ve inherited now. So we used to listen to Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. He’d put on albums and we’d just sit there and listen to music. I’d say that’s really where it began, just this of love of … He collected everything from funk to Kenny Rogers to soul and all that stuff. So, I’d say that’s kind of where the roots began.

3MiloE:           Where do you see yourself a year from now?

DJ Nightstalker :         A year from now? This is probably a good transition year where I’m finally taking the production seriously so hopefully that’s going to elevate the game. I’m in a really good spot in terms of coming up as a name, or coming back up, because I was an old-school DJ, and sort of faded away for a while and then coming back, kind of resurgence.

But yeah, like Ableton, I’m getting into Ableton and stuff. What people don’t realize is …I’m also like, my other life is, I’m a professor. So I teach.

3MiloE:           Oh, wow. I’m in my master’s program in psychology. Yeah.

DJ Nightstalker :         Nice. So I got a PhD and I teach at University. Sometimes my students find out what my other life is, but that’s really my career, and so I sort of feel like I’m behind in that way, I can’t devote 100% of my time towards making music, because in my free time I have I’m writing, writing articles that that sort of thing.

3MiloE:           May I ask you what you teach?

DJ Nightstalker :         So, Chicano studies and then it’s like rhetoric, and critical thinking kind of thing, and also writing.

3MiloE:           That’s great.

DJ Nightstalker :         Yeah, yeah.

3MiloE:           That’s great, man. Well, thank you for your time.

DJ Nightstalker :         Yeah, for sure. Yeah.

3MiloE:           It’s been a pleasure. We really appreciate this, so thank you.

DJ Nightstalker:          Nice, nice, nice. Yeah. Thank you. Keep doing the good work, man.

3MiloE:           Yeah, man. You too.



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