All posts by Leti Lopez

La Primera mezcla que pagara a cada artista, fue lanzada a travez de Musicoin gracias a Deadly Buda

Cada vez que alguien escucha la mezcla de DJ Deadly Buda “Rock the Blockchain” en, quince pistas de música electrónica y sus artistas se pagan automáticamente, en cuestión de segundos.

Esta hazaña se realizó alrededor de las 2:00 de la mañana del 13 de agosto de 2017, después de que Deadly Buda finalizó la integración de 19 “contratos inteligentes” en Musicoin y los conectó a su mezcla. “Básicamente, es un cambio de juego para cualquier tipo de música como EDM, Disco, House o Hip-Hop y más”, dijo DJ Deadly Buda.

DJ Deadly Buda
DJ Deadly Buda

Puedes escuchar la mezcla “Rock the Blockchain” AQUI

 La mezcla contiene 15 pistas EDM de varios géneros, Hard Electronic, Dubstep, Hardstyle, Hard Bass, Selva, Tambor y Bajo, Hardcore Techno, Shamancore, Tekno y Ambient, de los artistas Counterstrike, Satroniq y DJ Delirium, Teknoaidi, Subterranean, Cap , M27, Harhor y Deadly Buda.

Desde que las mezclas, se hicieron populares en los años 70, ha estado sobre todo en un estado cuasi-legal. Ya que la mezcla son varias canciones o “pistas” separadas, requiere numerosos permisos, papeleo y licencias para ser legalmente compatible. En el momento en que el papeleo se hace, el público en general, considera la música fuera de moda, y otros temas se han hecho populares. En consecuencia, la mayoría de los DJs no se han molestado en obtener los permisos, y han lanzado las mezclas “ilegalmente” en cassettes, CDs y ahora, Soundcloud y Youtube. Por lo general, los artistas de estas mezclas no están recibiendo ningún dinero por su música y muchas veces no se acreditan como parte de la mezcla. Los DJs a menudo no proporcionan listas de reproducción, ya sea para evitar el escrutinio, las limitaciones de tiempo, o en el peor de los casos, sólo quieren toda la atención para sí mismos.

High Voltage, Pittsburgh PA, 1993
High Voltage, Pittsburgh PA, 1993

Irónicamente, los productores de música electrónica hacen su música específicamente para que pueda ser mezclada por Djs y desean que Djs populares usen sus canciones. Las mezclas de DJ, aunque a menudo técnicamente ilegales, son el canal principal de publicidad para el nuevo talento, o los nombres no tan reconocidos. Por lo tanto, durante las últimas décadas, la industria de la música por lo general no ha forzado los derechos de autor contra mezclas de DJ, pero han conservando su derecho a hacerlo. En consecuencia, los DJs, que aún temen una potencial incriminación, rara vez pueden publicitar sus mezclas a gran escala o obtener mucho más ingresos que el costo de los discos o Mp3 que usan en la mezcla. El efecto acumulativo de esta cuasi-legalidad ha sido que las mezclas de Dj todavía se consideran “underground ” a pesar de que es la manera preferida del público que escucha música electrónica.

“Cuanto más entendía acerca de la tecnología blockchain, más me di cuenta de que los problemas legales con la mezclas, estaban a punto de ser una cosa del pasado”, dijo DJ Deadly Buda, “todos los permisos, papeleo y pagos se podría hacer en un instante.”

* Musicoin es una criptografía centrada en la música con capacidad de contrato inteligente. *

La tecnología Blockchain es básicamente un sistema de libro mayor descentralizado mantenido por múltiples computadoras. La cadena más popular en el mundo es Bitcoin, y ha inspirado otros blockchains para dirigirse a áreas específicas de la economía mundial. Musicoin, como su nombre indica, está orientado hacia la música, los músicos y los aficionados. Cuando un usuario escucha una canción en el artista de la canción recibe un Musicoin (vale alrededor de $ 0.01-0.02 USD), generalmente en cuestión de segundos.

El sistema de Musicoin permite a un artista subir una canción y adjuntar lo que se denomina un “contrato inteligente” que puede distribuir pagos a múltiples partes si es necesario. Por ejemplo, el contrato inteligente podría ser programado para que cada vez que se reproduce la canción, el baterista, cantante, guitarrista y bajista de una banda reciben y dividan el pago.

“Cuando me di cuenta de que cada canción en el sistema Musicoin tenía su propia dirección de pago, hablé con todos mis conocidos que producen música, y los invité a subirla a la plataforma, y les pedí permiso de usar sus temas en mi mezcla”, reveló Deadly Buda. Después de charlar con algunos de los artistas, decidió la siguiente fórmula: el 40% de los ingresos de la mezcla va para el DJ, y el 60% se divide uniformemente entre las canciones de la mezcla. “Un Dj pasa mucho tiempo explorando una gran cantidad de mala música para encontrar las joyas que él o ella tocará para el público, así que quería honrar ese gasto de tiempo y dinero, mientras que al mismo tiempo dejar una buena cantidad de espacio para Cada canción para ganar dinero también. ”

DJ Deadly Buda lanzó la primera mezcla de DJs “legal” del mundo. En la que todos los artistas recibirán crédito, y paga por su música.

Un nuevo paradigma de cómo se pueden hacer y pagar las mezclas, oficialmente funcionando gracias a DJ Deadly Buda y Musicoin, pero todavía hay trabajo por hacer dice Deadly Buda, “En un futuro muy cercano, probablemente habrá sólo una casilla de verificación que le dará el derecho de mezclar su música siempre y cuando se les paga a través de un contrato inteligente. Tan pronto como eso suceda, el sistema será imparable y beneficiará a la industria de la música establecida y a los nuevos artistas por igual “.

Puedes inscribirte para Musicoin aquí.

Made in Qanada: Crisis Era

With Basscon Wasteland fast approaching, the hype is getting real! The massive announcement dropped by Insomniac is sure to attract the Hardstyle family from near and far to California, eager to celebrate a two day festival with such heavyweight names.
From up north, representing the rapidly growing Canadian hard scene, we have Crisis Era. Matt and Silas are a duo of producers from Vancouver that have been mobilizing the Hardstyle crowd in North America since 2012. They are signed to Brennan Heart‘s label, WE R, and have played in almost every massive Hardstyle event in the past couple years. I can tell you one thing, those guys know how to throw down!


Following their success in Belgium’s DayDream Festival, the guys are ready to step it up and destroy 3 stages in what’s gonna be one EPIC weekend for them. Starting on the 27th at Hardfest Festival in the Netherlands, flying to The USA straight to the Wasteland on the 28th and finishing in Dallas for Hardismystyle on the 29th.

What can you expect from them? With tracks like Moshpit, Turn me on, Party up,  featuring names like Code Black, Audiofreq, and more, you can count on a high energy performance full of dance floor bangers; where they plan to premier their first full EP. Their versatility and fun personalities have made a lot of unique collaborations possible, such as their new track with Gammer that was dropped on their recent visit to Edmonton, with the Kutski‘s “Keeping the Rave Alive Neon nation tour“; where they made a really strong impression with the local crowd. On their first time in the City of Champions, Crisis Era managed to make it such a memorable night, everyone in Alberta took over their live chat with fans (which lasted about 10 hours) the following Sunday to let the guys know how much everyone appreciated that party, and were looking forward to everything they had coming up. Such as a new mix series where they are looking to experiment with different genres to showcase their range, and starting a merchandise line that will be initially available at their shows, and online in the near future.



If you want a taste of their music and really unique sense of humour listen to their guest appearance on KTRA, and their Hard Island mix. Both feature original tracks, and some strong remixes, such as their banging version of Kaskade’s Disarm you, and their one of a kind takes on Get your freak on, called Come on, and Radiohead’s Creep.
If you’re into snapchat comedy, they’re usually posting really creative, hilarious skits, plus an inside look at their creative process and hectic tour schedule.
Be sure to catch their set at Basscon, or whenever you get a chance. They will for sure Make-Make-Make it POP.

You can follow them on Snapchat at CrisisEra, on Facebook HERE, or Instagram for more original content and upcoming songs and events.

The Hardstyle Pianist

About five months ago Dave Revan shared a video of this guy, playing “Ready to Rage” in a beautiful black piano, rocking a bandana and a defqon hat. Since then I’ve started my mornings scrolling my feed, anxiously waiting to see which classic The Pianist is going to tackle next. Seems like his music library and love for Hardstyle, are as big as his talent and improvisation skills. Jisk Lieftink, The Hardstyle Pianist, has been sky rocketing into the spotlight, after getting noticed and recognized by heavy names like Angerfist, Wildstylez, Ran-D, recently collaborating with Andy Svge on a track that is surely going to be a melodic master piece.

The versatility of his style and unique sound, transforms every melody into an instant classic. Ranging from Headhunterz Lessons of love to Gunz for Hire Plata o Plomo, Jisk isn’t afraid to cover the whole spectrum of the harder styles, adding his own spin to it all. Around Christmas time he recorded music video, for what he says was his favourite track from 2016, Wildstylez Encore; and enlisted the talented Judith Vander Klip to accompany him on her violin. The perfect chemistry between them, calm lighting and gorgeous set, makes you gain appreciation of the beautifully crafted melody, that sometimes may fall second to the power of the beat.

Growing up in the 80s, at the birth of electronic music, one thing we got tired of hearing was “it’s not even music, there’s no instruments”. Stripping the tracks of all the “computer sounds” (as my father would call it) and showcasing it with such grace while still displaying the strength behind it, it’s why I can’t get enough of his YouTube channel. His views count sky rocketed from 2 to 58k when Angerfirst shared his Mashup piano cover and requested him a track, which is coming very soon.


He was also a guest at the legendary Freqshow and managed to silence a sold out Ziggo dome to perform Audiotricz Inception, making grown men weep in the crowd. Kicking off the new year with Villain on stage of the biggest Hardstyle party of the NYE! His delivery of emotions through his beloved keys is so on point, I dare you to watch the video bellow and not get goosebumps more than once.


So what’s next for The Hardstyle pianist? He’s currently looking for management (so if you’re into gold mines, you’re welcome). And he has so much going on with offers coming from everywhere, he’s taking it one day at a time, planning his next steps. He is planning to perform at Defqon in June. And his goal is to create his own act for Dance events which would allow him to travel and perform at festivals around the globe. He’s also recording an album in the near future that will feature a lot of his, and crowd favourites, since he receives thousands of requests every day. As a fan, I’m very excited to see him grow while he continues to surprise me with new covers almost daily. If you follow his Facebook and YouTube channel he will become your new addiction, as he is already mine.

By Leti Lopez

Meanwhile in Qanada – Blackout Festival AB

It was a very exciting weekend in Alberta for the Hardstyle family! The return of Blackout festival by Boodang shocked fans with a star studded lineup, performing in two cities back to back. Union hall in Edmonton and Flames Central in Calgary dressed up in all black (and a little orange) to welcome some truly legendary names and celebrate the harder styles.

Friday night at Union Hall started off showcasing some local talent, with Pandamonium warming up the decks for what was gonna be one of the most heated nights I can remember. First headliner hitting the stage was Lady Faith. The sexy Hardstyle diva herself delivered a high energy hour full of bangers, setting the tone for what was coming up. I couldn’t help but fan girl a little bit, she’s much more gorgeous in person, and such a sweetheart!

When Audiofreq took the stage, I was expecting to hear a lot of tracks from his new album, Audiology. And THANK SAM he didn’t disappoint. His set was loaded with classics and new beats, featuring a lot of his new tracks and closing his performance with Audio God (my personal favourite from his album). It was an earth-shattering brutal hardcore banger that left me wired up and soooooooo ready for the final act of that night.

Celebrating 15 years of being True Hardstyle Legends, Tuneboy and Technoboy, “TNT” were ready to bring the house down. And DID THEY EVER! Listening to their repertoire makes you realize how much these men have contributed-and still do, to the rich history of our scene. The crowd couldn’t stop singing along to every track, and the energy continued to build up throughout the show. Nobody wanted to go home! I had the privilege of standing behind them through their set, and got to appreciate their old school style of mixing with CDs. No pre recorded bullshit for the kings of Hardstyle! Watching them flip through their folders looking for the next track was so fun and exciting. The way they feed of each other’s energy on stage, joking around and kicking each other’s butt between songs, shows how unique and timeless their friendship and partnership is. May they continue to bless us with their talent and banging beats for as long as they shall live, PLEASE!

Photo Credit – CYK Media

After the night was done, all four of the headliners were happy to stay and meet fans, take a million pictures and sign a million flags. Always with a big smile and showing appreciation for everyone that was there to celebrate them. Which, as a fan, always means the world to me. So once again THANK YOU for taking the time to show us how much we mean to you.

A Hardstyle fan once said, if you’re not hurting the next day, you didn’t go hard enough. But we couldn’t afford the luxury of a recovery day, because we had to be up for the drive to Calgary for the biggest show of the year. Another triple headliner, this time Atmozfears, Brennan Heart, and Coone. That’s any Hardstyle lovers wet dream right there, and it was happening Saturday night at Flames Central; or as Brennan Heart called it “The theatre of Hardstyle”  

Brennan Heart, hardstyle, iamhardstyle
Photo Credit – Brennan Heart’s Facebook

It was my first time at that venue, so I was very impressed when I saw the size of it, and being a sold out show, it was expected to get rowdy. With Atmozfears euphoric style, it wasn’t long until we were all sweating, bearing huge smiles on our faces. Even though he played for an hour and ten minutes, it felt like five minutes to me. Maybe because I was so excited to finally see him again, time flies when you’re having fun. And that we did!

The highlight of the night, for me, was Brennan Heart. The IAMHARDSTYLE king never lets me down. Absolutely incredible set, all our favourite sing alongs, new music, collabs with everyone, different styles, and incredible energy. The man knows how to make the crowd lose their shit every five minutes, and he’s not afraid to do it. I will for ever front row every one of his shows anytime he’s here, because no one delivers a high energy experience more than he does.

hardstyle, iamhardstyle, brennan heart, Flames Central, Qanada
Brennan Heart at Flames Central – Photo Credit: Shane Moseley

Just when you thought you couldn’t keep going any harder, Coone came out, celebrating Ten years with Dirty Workz, and utterly destroyed Flames. The crowd went insane track after track. I saw a few people crying when he told us he wanted to play us a song about his daughter, and everyone was singing along to Faye. It was a very emotional end to a weekend every Hardstyle fan in Alberta will remember for ever.

Coone at Flames Central – Photo Credit Josh Murray photography

The drive home back to Edmonton was pretty quiet, and two days later we’re still hurting. Couldn’t be happier to say, we gave this weekend our all and we can’t wait to do it again.

Leti Lopez.