Tag Archives: hardcore techno tour

Field Report 7: Trauma Live’s Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn

The final stop of Trauma’s Harder Styles Tour touched down in Brooklyn Saturday night. As anticipated, the venue was packed with attendees bouncing off the walls. Right off the bat is was amazing to see Lenny Dee and Rob Gee on their home turf, in the borough that made them worldwide names. Rob Gee played his greatest set on the entire tour, and frankly it might have been the single most uplifting and inspiring set –of all sets—on the tour. Rob Gee has always had something special with audiences, but Saturday night in particular he hit a resonant melody with the audience who were 100% in sync with his hardcore vibe.

Dj Deadly Buda at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn
DJ Deadly Buda at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn

But, I’m getting ahead of myself, literally. Yours truly got to open up the night, and thankfully the sound-system was 100% on point, and there was already a crowd ready to rock. I got a chance to bust out some of my favorite tracks from the Next Cyclone label, which are rarely played, and the crowd was well into it. I also got to spin on 4 decks at once, an infrequent pleasure at hardcore shows where oftentimes we are lucky to even be using modern CD-Js!

DJ Stefanie at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn
DJ Stefanie at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn

After I did my stuff, Reactor and Pulsators hit the decks and rocked the crowd with some hardstyle, leading up to the night’s headliner, DJ Stefanie. Basically, she tore it up, showing the USA why she is a big favorite in Europe and even showcased one of her latest tracks. I had the pleasure of filming her live feed on Facebook for the first half hour too. Most of her set it could be seen worldwide!

Lenny Dee at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn
Lenny Dee at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn

Next up was Lenny Dee. As always, it’s a pleasure to see Lenny Dee rocking it in his own backyard. The tough industrial sounds had the ravers rocking to and fro. Hardcore historians know that Lenny Dee might be considered the original hardcore DJ of which we know in the modern era, and to see him in his element, where the sounds were heard that would later inspire the world, was truly moving. He was followed by his frequent partner-in-cacophony, Rob Gee.

Tim Shopp at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn
Tim Shopp at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn

Satronica then hit the decks and continued the holiday of hardcore that had taken over Brooklyn’s legendary club Verboten, leading to up-and-coming, Tim Shopp, who did double duty on the main stage and the second room, keeping the crowd busy the entire night. Tim tore the cap off a shaken pop-bottle of speedcore madness that drove the crowd wild, giving a sneak preview of the coming wave of American Hardcore.

Rob Gee at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn
Rob Gee at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn

Initially looking back on the tour at this early stage of reflection, I think there were tremendous gains made for the American hardcore EDM/Techno scene. Whereas the crowds were not sell-outs, they were decent and more importantly, everyone had a great, and sometimes life changing time. Dealing with music so much on an everyday basis, we music insiders often lose track of how important finding that new sound is to the concert goer… as we count the beans and talk the numbers. Sure, it’s an aspect that cannot be ignored, but ultimately life is remembered in experiences, and Trauma Live made sure to give people an experience they’ll never forget, and I can’t wait to see what happens to this scene next.

DJ Stefanie and Lenny Dee at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn
DJ Stefanie and Lenny Dee at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016: Brooklyn

Field Report 4: Trauma in Mesa AZ

As my plane touched down on the sun-baked earth of Phoenix, Arizona, a sigh of relief and relaxation overcame my body and mind. Much like a sun-worshipping retiree, I was looking forward to a relaxing night of music and friendship in the warm cleave of the desert.

SRB and Meccano Twins at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016, Mesa, AZ
SRB and Meccano Twins at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016, Mesa, AZ

The phone rang. It was Kari. “Hey man, can you rent a van for us? My flight got messed up.” In the world of hardcore EDM, at least in America, you have to wear lots of hats: DJ, publisher, producer, promoter… and so adding chauffeur to the list was now second nature, “Sure.”

Then, look what entered the modest suburban minivan I procured: MC Rtiser! ”How the heck did this guy get through TSA Screening?” I think to myself. I then spend the majority of the night transporting van-loads of ridiculously talented Dutch and Italians, to and from the event, running on stage to snap pictures and get a good listen so I could report to the THD faithful.

Meccano Twins and Ruffian at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016
Meccano Twins and Ruffian at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016

As Kari languished in LAX stand-by, Brandon SDK made sure the party went off without a hitch. Which is good, as fans were driving from all over the Southwest, particularly SoCal, to see the leg 2 version of the Trauma line-up. It was another sure-fire killer this time with Ruffian as Master of Ceremonies: Rotterdam Terror Corps, Digital Punk, Buzz Fuzz, Partyraiser, SRB, Tommyknocker, Mrotek, Arktus, CIK, Dr. Peacock, Rob Gee and Meccano Twins lit the place on fire, as if the desert needed to get any hotter than it already was.

Mrotek and Arktus turned on the rawstyle to get the surprisingly large crowd for the first set pumped up. CIK laid down the Arizona law, showcasing that state’s great hardcore producers. They have a tough, complex sound that we have written of before in The HARD DATA (check out our interview in issue 2). Next Buzz Fuzz delivered the classic Rotterdam gabber sound to the growing crowd. SRB went off with a heavy speedcore set, explaining to me that he figured he could get away with playing it at the beginning or at the end of the night, so he ramped up the beats-per-minute to 300 and asked the terror-loving crowd if they “Had a Friend in Jesus” with his last track of the night.

Then came the first ever USA appearance of Meccano Twins. It was incredible! Tough brutal hardcore rocked the crowd and led up to Tommyknocker who fittingly “knocked it out of the park” as he laid down one Traxtorm hit after the next. Luckily, I even got a chance to interview Tommy later in show (stay tuned for that in the next issue).

The most popular set of the night was Digital Punk, laying down the thick Unleashed rawstyle sound to the new breed of ravers. Then came Dr. Peacock.

I must say you should treat yourself and hear this guy live if you can. He played a wonderful, innovative hardcore live-PA that incorporates musical influences from all over the globe. Just in case you weren’t tired enough, Partyraiser stepped to the decks and resumed the all-out kick-drum assault, paving the way for Rotterdam Terror Corps.

Honestly, I only caught the beginning of their set because I then had to go on an extended hotel run with the previously playing artists. So, I can only say the crowd seemed into it at the beginning and RTC honestly did sound scary as hell. It was one of those moments where you think, “modern existence is so completely messed up, that Rotterdam Terror Corps makes 100% logical sense.” I mean, think about it, that is kinda scary. Hopefully tonight in Denver I can give a more thorough review of RTC. Last but certainly not least was Rob Gee, the only artist on every stop of the tour. Of course he was great, and the crowd loved him. Read the past couple reviews for a more thorough description and video if you aren’t familiar with the Gee Man yet.

Partyrasier at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016
Partyrasier at Trauma Harder Styles Tour 2016

The only downer of the night was Alien T didn’t play. I was looking forward to hearing him play “Hammer of the Devil.” Apparently there was some screw up or miscommunication, and he didn’t come to the states. Hopefully that isn’t a permanent problem because I think the American audience would love his sound. I guess we should stay tuned for more info on that. All in all though as you can see, hear and read, it was a great night for hardcore and hardstyle in Arizona.

I just touched down in Denver where I am finishing this piece. As word gets out about the tour, each stop seems to get bigger and bigger. Apparently there is a lot of buzz in Denver for tonight so we shall see! Until the next time…

The rhythm is life and death!

DJ Deadly Buda


Trauma Prelude 2: Kari’s World

“I pretty much feel like I’m gonna die.” Said Kari Lambou, jerking his head at the last minute before he was to make an impromptu pillow out of his MacBook Pro. Kari’s the head of Trauma Live, who are embarking on a 7 city North American music tour. Any music tour is tough, but Kari is pushing North America’s first hardcore E.D.M. tour (purists would call it hardcore techno), undoubtedly the least popular subgenre of the EDM world. The genre is squarely a mix of house music, hip hop, punk rock, heavy metal, and industrial noise. It’s as old-school ravey as it gets, and despite its detractors, it refuses to vanish. Mixed into the chaos is hardcore’s younger, cuter and more popular little brothers in music, hardstyle and rawstyle, to make sure the crowd is comfortable with the rock hard beats-per-minute.

Kari’s been up for a few days with limited sleep and the comfort of a few complimentary beers doled out by his office workspace in El Segundo, CA. There are numerous causes of his sleep deprivation, for example, his washing machine recently backed up and destroyed his family’s apartment, but even more so is the fact that he has almost 40 different DJs spread out all over the 7 city tour. Most are from Europe, requiring flights, hotels, and transportation.The email inbox starts blowing up again, and must be dealt with as adroitly as a 2 hour window of sleep will allow.

“I do it, because I hate commercial music. I want our own sound.” Says Kari, as I dutifully pry into his life for the benefit of my readers. “This is about us, about sticking to what we want to hear. I don’t really care if people say my line-up is too hard. Well, too bad. This is what Trauma is about. Events you’ll never forget.”

I point out that 40 artists, is a little overboard. “Well, ok, frankly I didn’t see that coming.”

It all happened because DJ Distortion of Rotterdam Terror Corps happened to mention to Kari that he could get a few people to play in America. As soon as the feelers went out, every huge name in hardcore techno immediately lobbied for the gigs. No one took no for answer. Basically, the American market has eluded hardcore techno for decades, and it gnaws at the soul of all hardcore aficionados around the world, because frankly, America seems like the perfect place for it. These names may not mean a lot to the average American yet, but how do you say “no” to Mad Dog, Amnesys, Rotterdam Terror Corps, Tommyknocker, The Melodyst, Scott Brown… the list goes on and on. Though such a line-up might exist in Europe, such a tour as this does not. Everyone constantly undercut each other’s playing fees because they HAD TO PLAY. Everyone wanted to play. It was as simple as that. And when you have the combined talent, basically a line-up that would be historical anywhere in the world, well… you roll with it.

Vowing to document this first historical tour, I find myself jetting to its first stop in North America, Edmonton, Alberta, where it’s -11 degrees Celsius. “Well, we looked at the map and it seemed there were lots of harder styles fans in a few of these areas, basically.” Kari explained. I’m thinking like, “but this is like 12 degrees Fahrenheit,” but Trauma picked their first cities. Edmonton is the first stop before San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix (Mesa), Denver, Pittsburgh, and New York. So I packed up the long underwear, gloves, ski jacket, toboggan, a few stacks of The Hard Data magazine, and my trusty smartphone, and I board the plane for Canada….