Extreme turbulence courtesy of the Rocky Mountain winds greeted my airplane as it hurtled towards Denver International Airport. A portent of the sonic turbulence that would test the unsuspecting speakers of the Summit Music Hall, courtesy of Trauma Live’s Harder Styles Tour 2016 and their awesome line-up of talent: Tonegenerator, Imperium, Buzz Fuzz, Dr. Peacock, Digital Punk, Tommyknocker, Rotterdam Terror Corps, Partyraiser, Rob Gee, and Meccano Twins. The master of ceremonies was once again MC Ruffian, hosting the party in adroit fashion.
Obviously word got out about the tour. From the very beginning the crowd was present. Denver Hard Dance co-promoted the event. They walked around Boulder, Colorado, with a boom-box, blasting Dr. Peacock mixes as they passed out flyers in the home of the Buffaloes. It was great to see a… how should I put it, well… a hippie crowd, getting down to hardcore EDM. As a former resident of Colorado, this was always a bit of a dream of mine and to see it coming to reality was personally gratifying. Sometimes things just take a little time.
As with the previous stops on the tour, the crowd was treated to a once-in-a-lifetime assemblage of talent. My message is simple here, you are never going to see anything like this again. Sure, there will be big shows and festivals in the future, but to see such a solid line-up of talent in a relatively small venue only happens at the very beginning of a scene. It’s a moment when desire overtakes rational thinking, when dedication to the art is more important than practical realities and sleep is banished from the nighttime hours in favor of execution and release. Attendees will be bragging about their attendance for decades in the future.
As noted, Tonegenerator and Imperium got the crowd warmed up with their home-grown sounds, leading the way for Buzz Fuzz’s gabber insanity, followed by yet another absolutely brutal jack-hammer assault of industrial hardcore by Meccano Twins. Tommyknocker showcased the Traxtorm signature sound, once again letting the Trauma audience know, as mentioned in his excellent track, “Nobody’s Stopping This.”
Digital Punk was up next, laying down the rawstyle law. At one point he did something pretty cool. Not content with simply encouraging the fans to put their hands in the air, he moseyed right in the crowd, kneeled down and stuck his arms right in there with them. It was a nice personal touch that really looked cool if you were there to see it in person.
Up next was Dr. Peacock and this guy was right at home with the crowd, as he played his internationally flavored hardcore to the open-minded Colorado crowd.
Instead of the usual hakke dance you see folks do at these events, the crowd was dancing in more of a jig-like fashion. Since I’m so busy bouncing around the party taking pictures, schmoozing backstage, and making sure The Hard Data gets passed out, I haven’t had the chance to dance as much as I’d like to so far on the tour. But, I made sure I got to cut a little rug during Dr. Peacock.
Partyrasier hit the decks next. It was a classic Partyraiser set, and perhaps one of his best. He was mixing up a storm and really conversing with the audience via his music.
This set the stage for Rottedam Terror Corps who put on a righteous, outrageous spectacle, as is their forte. Their old school kick drums brought back that bouncy sound I remember from my raving days in the 90’s – but combined with the hard terror-filled screeches of the modern era. That, combined with basically an X-rated stage show, let’s you know you’re not in Kansas anymore. Honestly they have to tone their show down just a bit for the American audience, but even so it’s still a riot.
Rob Gee completed the night to a captivated crowd with a broad selection of his hits old and new. Rob Gee has done an amazing job at updating his sound to the modern era, and the best example of that is his recent track with Adaro, Dark Universe. I’m hoping at the next stop on the tour, Pittsburgh, he busts out my current fave of his, “Music is the Drug” that he recently did with The BeatKrusher.
Speaking of Pittsburgh, that’s the stop I finally get to hit the main stage at, and I can’t wait because I will be busting out a new track I got Pittsburgh local Subterranean to whip up: a remix of my old track Housewrecker, this time with a sort of hardstyle/dubstep combination flavor going on. You’ll hear it there first. Until then, I’m going to enjoy one more day in the Rockies, recovering from the tour so far and resting up for the last leg. This is Deadly Buda signing off, and always remember, the rhythm is life and death!